Dolls · History · TLC

Barbie Interlude: Party & Play Stacie

My ’92 Party & Play Stacie!

I found my beloved Stacie doll when digging through a box of old toys at my parent’s house. She was in surprisingly good shape for having spent 10-20 years in a toy box. I really loved this doll as a kid, and she has the scars and frizzy hair to show it. But I had totally forgotten about her until I pulled her out from the heap of 90s toys in my parent’s attic. It took me just a little while to rediscover who she was: Party & Play Stacie from 1992/3.

Stacie is a 10 year old little sister of Barbie. Her neck stamp says “Mattel 1991,” but I got this doll for my birthday in 1992. Her articulation allows a great range of motion with knees that bend and arms that can lift in/out as well as up/down. Something about her is just so endearing. I can see why she was my favorite Barbie as a kid.

My first thought when I picked her up (besides “Aaaaaaw!) was:

Could this be a precursor to the rumored 1980s historical, Courtney Moore? Okay, technically Stacie debuted in 1991 (and this look hails from ’92). But if Mattel looks to their back catalog, they have a stylin 10 year old to draw inspiration from!

Screen Shot 2020-02-22 at 2.27.24 PM

After giving Stacie’s hair a good brush, I knew that I needed to replace her original clothes, so I found them on Ebay. Here she is in various mix and match combos!

When I replaced her wardrobe, I also got this 1992 advertisement! What a throwback. I was delighted to find this in the box. When I opened it, a slip of paper fell out which was the 1 year warranty from Mattel that came with the original doll. Relics of a time past…

Click here for close-up

Click here for close-up

You can see close-ups by following the picture links to imgur! If you were a child of the 80’s/90’s then it’s a total nostalgia-fest. So many things brought back memories (the bedroom set! The roller skate! Kaboodles!) I was most delighted to rediscover the “Bath Blast” doll, which may have been the weirdest Barbie I owned:

Slightly problematic from an adult perspective, but I guess that’s the beauty of the innocence of youth. Thanks for reading! xoxo Toni

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